Forum 2022
The 2021 APIC Forum was held virtually similar to the 2021 event. Keynotes provided by representatives from Altalink, FortisAlberta, ATCO and AESO. More information about this event can be found here.
Energy Hackathon 2022
The second APIC Energy Hackathon was held virtually. The hackathon was open to all high school, graduate and undergraduate students. Topics like renewable energy integration, energy policy, building dashboard for monitoring energy consumption etc. was available as team challenges. More information about this event can be found here.
November 2021
Creating System Resilience in Power Generation and Delivery workshop. In this workshop, Dr. Lefsrud and her team drew from research to describe risk management systems, resiliency principles, and how these promote process safety and occupational/public safety. Click here for more information.
June 28-29, 2021
The 2021 APIC Forum was held virtually similar to the 2020 event. Keynotes provided by representatives from Altalink, FortisAlberta, ATCO and AESO. More information about this event can be found here.
June 25-27, 2021
The first APIC Energy Hackathon was held virtually. The hackathon was open to all students at the University of Alberta and the university of Calgary. Topics like as renewable energy integration, energy policy, building dashboard for monitoring energy consumption etc. was available as team challenges. More information about this event can be found here.
Nov. 13, 2020
APIC Forum 2020 was held virtually and attended by over 150 participants from APIC industries and academic researchers from the universities of Alberta and Calgary. The theme of the Forum was ‘Energy Systems in Transition’, more information about the event can be found here.
Dec 6, 2018
Meeting with Enmax engineers to discuss the use of power disturbances for equipment condition monitoring.
Nov. 14 and 16, 2018
APIC continuing education course “Understanding HVDC transmission technologies” was offered in Calgary and Edmonton respectively. About 110 people attended the course.
October 15-18, 2018
One U of A researcher attended the CIGRE Canada conference in Calgary. APIC work on DG caused voltage rise was presented.
September 24, 2018
Drs. I. Fair and W. Xu met with the representatives of Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) to discuss the expansion of APIC program by including colleges in Alberta.
September 20 & 28, 2018
Dr. Xu responded to technical enquires from Epcor on the subjects of “Cable joint failure” and “Radio Signal Interference from a 72kV lines” respectively.
September 18, 2018
The APIC board held its 49th meeting in Red Deer. Mr. Thomas Hartman of ATCO Electric was selected to be the new chair of the board. Main subject discussed in the meeting is how to scale up APIC activities by including other educational institutions and more researchers.
September 11, 2018
Dr. A. Nassif of ATCO Electric visited Dr. Xu. The project work on non-intrusive measurement of system fault levels was discussed.
August 28, 2018
A software tool developed from APIC project “Non-intrusive measurement of system fault levels” was submitted to APIC collaborators for evaluation. The tool uses field measurement data to estimate system impedances. It was also sent to Candura Instruments for assessment.
August 21, 2018
While visiting the Technological University of Denmark, Dr. W. Xu made a presentation to a group of industry representatives on APIC research results related to the DG-caused voltage rise issues in power distribution systems.
August 5-9, 2018
Several U of A researchers including Dr. Xu attended the IEEE PES General Meeting in Portland.
July 17, 2018
APIC Chair Ken Chao, AESO’s representative Neil Brausen and Dr. Xu attended a meeting with U of C representatives. The subject of expanding APIC activities by including U of C and more researchers was discussed.
June 6, 2018
Dr. Xu had a teleconference with representatives of Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) to discuss the expansion of APIC program by including colleges in Alberta.
May 22, 2018
Dr. Xu discussed with APIC chair on how to arrange and prepare for a meeting with U of C representatives on the expansion of APIC activities.
May 13-17, 2018
Four U of A researchers attended the ICHQP conference in Slovenia.
May 9, 2018
The 11th APIC Power & Energy Innovation Forum was held in U of A. The theme is “Readiness for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in Alberta”. More than 200 people from APIC companies and other organizations attended the Forum.
May 8, 2018
The APIC board held its 48th board meeting. A new APIC project “Mitigation of Neutral Currents in Concentric Neutral Cables” was approved. Dr. I. Fair of U of A, Dr. A. Knight of U of C, Mr. G. Hari of ATCO Electric, Mr. R. Kimura of Altalink and Mr. N. Brausen of AESO were invited to join in the 2nd half meeting. The subject of expanding APIC platform by including other institutions and researchers was discussed.
May 3, 2018
Dr. Xu made a presentation through teleconference to engineers of Meggar. The purpose was to discuss technology transfer opportunities for the sensor technology developed at U of A.
May 1, 2018
A PhD student (Dr. T. Ding) trained through the APIC program was hired by FortisAlberta as an EIT.
April 11, 2018
Mr. Ken Chao of Enmax showed field measurement results of high neutral currents in Enmax cables. The feasibility of establishing an APIC project to investigate the problem was discussed.
April 10, 2018
Four researchers of U of A attended the AESO in-house technical conference. One poster presentation was made.
April 6, 2018
Dr. Xu had a meeting with Dr. A. Nassif of ATCO Electric. The initiation of a new APIC project on the measurement of system fault level was discussed.
March 26, 2018
Mr. Kevin von Popta became the new representative of FortisAlberta to serve on the APIC board.
March 14, 2018
Two researchers attended the annual symposium of FESRI (Future Energy System Research Institute). Two poster presentations were made.
March 13, 2018
Dr. Xu informed NSERC that there is no plan to renew the IRC/APIC program for the 3rd term and a new initiative with expanded APIC activities will be pursued in due course.
March 7, 2018
Dr. Xu met with Dr. I. Fair to discuss the idea of establishing a province-wide, multi-institution and multi-researcher collaboration with APIC companies through the APIC platform.
March 1, 2018
The APIC Board held its 47th board meeting through a teleconference. Dr. Xu recommended, instead of renewing the APIC/IRC program for the 3rd term, the APIC program could be expanded by including all post-secondary institutions in Alberta. The board was receptive to the idea. The board also approved a new APIC project “Non-Invasive Methods to Estimate Short-Circuit Levels”.
February 28, 2018
An APIC research report entitled “A shared damping scheme for multiple switchable capacitors” was submitted to project collaborators.
February 22, 2018
Facilitated by Altalink, Dr. Xu gave a tutorial on the mitigation of harmonic resonance to Calgary based APIC companies. About 25 people attend the tutorial.
February 22, 2018
Dr. Xu had a meeting with Dr. Knight of U of C. The idea of expanding the APIC platform was explained to Dr. Knight.
February 21 & 23, 2018
APIC continuing education course “Generator Interconnections – Learning from the Experiences of Transmission systems” was offered in Edmonton and Calgary respectively. About 200 people attended the course.
February 8, 2018
An APIC project meeting was held with project collaborators from Enmax, ATCO Electric, Epcor and FortisAlberta. The findings on APIC project “Impact of Electric Vehicles on Residential Secondary Distribution Systems” were presented and discussed.
January 11, 2018
Mr. Darren McCrank, Director of System Operations of Epcor became the new board member of APIC representing Epcor.
January 10, 2018
ATCO proposed to APIC board to initiate an APIC project entitled “Non-Invasive Methods to Estimate Short-Circuit Levels”.
December 19, 2017
Facilitated by ATCO Gas, a team of U of A researchers conducted field measurements on the voltages inducted on pipelines.
December 7, 2017
U of A researchers held a meeting with engineers of ATCO Gas. A field measurement proposal was presented to ATCO Gas and it was accepted by the company. The project is to measure induced voltages on a ATCO Gas pipeline.
December 6, 2017
Dr. Xu was invited to make a presentation to a group of engineers in the oil and gas industry. The subject of power disturbance based equipment condition monitoring was presented.
December 4, 2017
Draft research report on APIC project “Impact of Electric Vehicles on Residential Secondary Distribution Systems” was submitted to project collaborators.
November 29, 2017
APIC Board held its 46th board meeting through a conference call. The main subject of discussion is the 2018 APIC innovation forum.
November 9, 2017
Dr. Xu gave a tutorial to 30 plus engineers from ATCO Electric and Epcor. The subject is harmonic resonance associated with shunt capacitor applications and mitigation solutions. This tutorial is originated from an APIC project investigating damping schemes for harmonic resonance mitigation.
November 6-8, 2017
Two researchers and Dr. Xu attended the SPARK conference in Edmonton. Two research results were presented in the conference.
October 30, 2017
Dr. Xu made a webex presentation to GE on the findings of an APIC project related to C-type damped capacitors. Technology transfer was discussed.
October 26, 2017
Dr. Xu made a presentation in Calgary to CSA C22.3 No.9 subcommittee which deals with DG interconnection issues. He presented the APIC research results on the mitigation of DG caused overvoltages. Subsequent, the APIC project report was shared with the committee members.
October 20, 2017
Dr. Xu made a webex presentation to ABB on the findings of an APIC project related to C-type damped capacitors. Technology transfer was discussed.
October 3, 2017
Dr. Xu made a presentation at the CEATI Grounding and Lightning Conference. He shared research findings on harmonic current induction on pipelines.
October 2, 2017
Dr. Xu made a webex presentation to Schneider Electric on the findings of an APIC project related to C-type damped capacitors. Technology transfer was discussed.
September 29, 2017
APIC board held its 45th meeting in Red Deer. The planning for 2018 APIC Forum was discussed. Mr. Ken Chao of Enmax was selected as the new chair of the APIC Board.
September 15, 2017
ATCO Electric sent field measurement data to U of A. This data will be used to demonstrate a practical method to quantify the harmonic contributions from customers. This method, jointed developed by researchers in several universities including U of A, is to be recommended to a CIRED technical committee.
September 11, 2017
A conference call was held with instructors of the upcoming APIC continuing education course. The plan for this course is finalized.
Aug 31, 2017
Dr. Xu met with ATCO Engineer Alex Nassify to discuss field measurement related to the EV project
June 12, 2017
With help of Suncor, U of A researchers connected with ATCO Gas. The purpose is to conduct a field assessment on a method developed by a APIC project. The method can determine the degree of voltage induction on pipelines. Dr. Xu provide several candidate sites to ATCO Gas engineer who will look after this collaborative research.
Aug 21, 2017
Dr. Xu and researcher Frank Wang met with ATCO Engineer Guibin Zhang and methods for design and assessment of C-type damped capacitor was discussed
August 9, 2017
Dr. Xu has a conference call with Enmax engineers to discuss the work completed so far on the EV project.
July 16-21, 2017
Three researchers and Dr. Xu attended the IEEE PES General meeting in Chicago.
June 22, 2017
ATCO Electric sent measured EV data to U of A researchers as a part of the APIC EV research project
June 12, 2017
With help of ATCO Electric, U of A researchers connected with Suncor. The purpose is to conduct a field assessment on a method developed by a APIC project. The method can determine the degree of voltage induction on pipelines. Dr. Xu made a presentation to Suncor engineers. Suncor engineers agreed to find a pipeline test site for this research.
June 6, 2017
APIC Board held its 44th meeting through a conference call. The meeting mainly discussed the planning of a APIC continuing education course and the initiation of a APIC project on EV.
May 19, 2017
A meeting was held with ATCO, Enmax, Fortis and Epcor engineers to share the project findings on overvoltage issues caused by micro generators in secondary distribution system. The meeting also discussed the upcoming new project on EV.
May 12, 2017
Dr. Xu had a meeting with Dr. Guibin Zhang of ATCO Electric to discuss collaboration on the design for C-type damped capacitors.
May 4, 2017
The 9th APIC Power & Energy Innovation Forum took place in U of A. About 160 people from industry and U of A attended the Forum. The theme of the forum is “Power Industry Innovations in Alberta”.
May 3, 2017
APIC board and U of A hosted a dinner event for the presenters of the upcoming APIC Forum.
May 3, 2017
APIC board held its 43rd board meeting at the U. of A. Dr. Xu reported activities and achievements over the past year. New activities were discussed. Epcor engineers and ECE Department Chair Dr. Fair also attended part of the meeting to share information.
April 4, 2017
Dr. Xu visited PowerSurvey Inc. a power quality company based in Montreal. The company is interested in some of the technologies developed at U of A.
March 3, 2017
Mr. Gordon Hoops, President of Candura Instruments, visited Dr. Xu’s research lab for a senor array based current measurement technology. A demonstration was given to Mr. Hoops.
March 1, 2017
Invited by AESO, Dr. Xu and 4 researchers attended the AESO technical conference in Calgary. This conference is an platform for AESO technical staff to share technical information. AESO invited a limited numbers of researchers from U of A and U of C to attend. U of A researchers presented one poster.
February 28, 2017
Altalink engineer Carl Wang approached U of A on the design of C-type damped capacitors. U of A shared a APIC report with Altalink. Eventually, a specification for the capacitor was developed by Altalink based on the research results.
February 15, 2017
Dr. Xu and a graduate student presented a PSS/E based frequency scan tool to ATCO Electric. This tool was developed as a APIC Project. It can be used to obtain system frequency responses directly from the PSS/E program. The tool has since been used by AltaLink and AESO.
February 10, 2017
APIC Board held its 42nd meetings through a conference call. The meeting mainly discussed the planning upcoming APIC Forum.
February 7, 2017
Mr. Fred Ritter, former APIC Board Chair, was invited to make a presentation to undergraduate students taking course on power system protection and grounding. Mr. Fred presented experience of Alberta systems on power system protection.
January 20, 2017
Dr. Xu presented the findings of APIC project “Mitigating Overvoltage Problems caused by DG units in Distribution Systems (Phase I)” to the management and engineers of ATCO Electric per the request of the company. About 30 people attended the meeting. Attendees found the presentation useful to ATCO Electric’s DG activities.
January 2, 2017
A M.Sc. student graduated from APIC research program was hired by Epcor.
December 20, 2016
APIC Board Chair Suresh Sharma and Dr. Xu met with the Dr. Fair, new Chair of ECE of U of Alberta. The purpose is to introduce APIC and its activities to the new chair and obtain feedback from him.
December 8, 2016
Dr. Xu presented the findings of APIC project “Mitigating Overvoltage Problems caused by DG units in Distribution Systems (Phase I)” to the management and engineers of Epcor per the request of Epcor. About 15 people attended the meeting. Attendees found the presentation useful to Epcor
December 7, 2016
Arranged by ATCO engineer Graeme Vanderstar, Dr. Xu made a presentation to 6 grounding/safety engineers of ATCO in the area of distribution and substation. The presentation is about grounding related research activities at U of A. The attendees found some of the APIC project findings useful to their work. Subsequently, Dr. Xu sent the 5 APIC project reports to them.
December 6, 2016
The CEO and CTO of PowerSurvey Inc., a Canadian company specialized in power quality mitigation visited U of A and Dr. Xu explained his research activities and projects. The company is interested in collaborating with Dr. Xu’s research team. Potential collaborative activities were discussed.
November 28, 2016
ATCO Engineer Michael Paradis visited PDS research lab to see the demonstration of a contactless current measurement technique developed in the lab. ATCO is interested in using the technique for monitoring the loads in a HVDC substation without experiencing arc-flash hazard. The meeting also discussed a plan for field verification of the technique in early 2017.
November 24, 2016
Dr. Xu presented the findings of APIC project “Mitigating Overvoltage Problems caused by DG units in Distribution Systems (Phase I)” to the management and engineers of FortisAlberta, Enmax and AESO. About 12 people attended the meeting. Attendees found the information quite useful. The companies intended to use the materials to justify improvements on DG interconnection practice.
November 23, 2016
The 2016 APIC continuing education course was delivered to about 60 attendees in Calgary. The course title is “Understanding Voltage Stability and Network Power Transfer Capability, Part II”. The instructor is Dr. Xu.
November 21, 2016
Dr. Xu met with Epcor asset management group to discuss the development of a cable testing lab by Epcor. Both Epcor and U of A see this as a great opportunity to develop collaborative research in cable condition monitoring. Epcor will make its extensive cable condition data available to U of A. U of A will help to develop cable heath indices. Collaboration with other APIC companies is also discussed.
November 15-16, 2016
Dr. Xu was invited to present U of A’s trip grounding research work in an industry oriented Grounding/Lightning workshop organized by CEATI. Using this opportunity, Dr. Xu discussed pipeline-powerline inductive coordination issues with industry practitioners.
November 11, 2016
Dr. Xu had a phone conversation with the CEO of PowerSurvey Inc., a Canadian company specialized in power quality mitigation such as harmonic filters. The company is interested in collaborating with Dr. Xu’s research team.
November 9, 2016
The 2016 APIC continuing education course was delivered to about 90 attendees at U of A. The course title is “Understanding Voltage Stability and Network Power Transfer Capability, Part II”. The instructor is Dr. Xu.
November 8, 2016
ATCO specialist Clark Laing provided Dr. Xu’s team materials related to the requirement on grounding resistance involved in worksite trip grounding practice. The materials clarified why existing standards have adopted 20ohm to 25ohm threshold for maximum grounding resistance.
November 7, 2016
A meeting was held with Enmax, FortisAlberta and ATCO Electric engineers to explain the results of an APIC project on cable-transformer caused ferroresonance. The meeting also discussed some improvements to the project report. The companies are satisfied with the project deliverables.
November 4, 2016
APIC Board held its 41st board meeting in ATCO Gas office in Red Deer. The main item of discussion is the 2017 APIC innovation Forum and the renewal of APIC program for the next 5 years.
October 27, 2016
Dr. Xu had a meeting with ATCO representative T. Hartman to discuss project collaborations.
October 21, 2016
U of A researcher T. Ding visited ATCO and worked with ATCO engineer Mariya Babiy on an APIC project involving PSS/E based frequency scan tool. Mariya subsequently came to U of A as a follow up to the project
October 7, 2016
ATCO Engineer Alex Nassif visited U of A and discussed two on-going APIC projects. He also participated in a conference call with DX3 Ltd. to discuss a pilot project to test DX3 anti-islanding technology.
September 27, 2016
A meeting was held with Enmax, FortisAlberta and ATCO Electric engineers to discuss the progress of an APIC project on cable-transformer caused ferroresonance.
September 26, 2016
APIC Board held its 40th board meeting in ATCO Gas office in Red Deer. The main item of discussion is the 2017 APIC innovation Forum. Mr. Suresh Sharma, Direction of Transmission of Epcor, was elected to chair APIC board for the period of 2016/2017.
September 22-23, 2016
Dr. Xu attended the Banff Venture Forum to learn the latest trend in sustainable technologies and commercialization.
August 23, 2016
A project review meeting was held in U of A with engineers from ATCO Electric and FortisAlberta. The project is “Mitigating Overvoltage Problems caused by DG units in Distribution Systems”. The need to expand the project to include the secondary distribution system was identified. Subsequently, Dr. Xu discussed with FortisAlberta engineer Shane Long on the subject of monitoring and mitigation of momentary interruptions.
August 11, 2016
U of A researchers (Dr. Xu and T. Ding) gave a presentation/demonstration to ATCO transmission engineers on a PSS/E based frequency scan tool. ATCO is interested in using the tool. U of A researchers received feedback on the tool and a plan to verify the tool was formed.
July 25, 2016
Jasmine Qadri, Senior Strategic Advisor of AESO contacted Dr. Xu on renewable energy related issues. Dr. Xu provided relevant information to Jasmine.
July 11, 2016
The initiation meeting of APIC project on cable-transformer ferroresonance was held in U of A. The meeting was attended by collaborators from Enmax, ATCO Electric and FortisAlberta. Subsequently, U of A researchers had multiple follow up exchanges with the collaborators.
May 15, 2016
Epcor donated a set of R&D reports of Canadian Electric Association to U of A’s PDS research lab.
May 5, 2016
The 8th APIC Power & Energy Innovation Forum was held in U of A. The theme of the Forum is “Modernizing Alberta Grid – Addressing Tomorrow’s Challenges”. There are 8 presentations including one invited guest speaker from US EPRI. 158 people attended the Forum.
May 4, 2016
APIC Board held its 39th board meeting in U of A. Main items of discussions are (1) reporting of APIC progress in the past year, (2) planning for research activities in 2016/2017.
May 3, 2016
With the support of Epcor engineers, U of A researcher Frank Wang installed two GPS synchronized, continuous waveform monitoring devices for condition monitoring of a Epcor cable. The monitoring period is 2 weeks.
March 16, 2016
Representatives of Calgary startup company EPS Diagnostics had a follow up meeting with Dr. Xu in U of A.
March 11, 2016
APIC Board provided a support letter to U of A’s Faculty of Engineering. The support letter is for the Faculty’s application for a large federal grant to establish “Future Energy Research Institute”.
March 4, 2016
APIC Board held its 38th board meeting in the form of conference call. The main item of discussion is the upcoming APIC Innovation Forum.
February 25, 2016
U of A researchers had a project initiation meeting with ATCO and FortisAlberta engineers. The project is “Mitigating Overvoltage Problems caused by DG units in Distribution Systems”. Subsequently, U of A researchers had multiple follow up exchanges with the collaborators.
February 5, 2016
Dr. Xu had a lunch meeting with the new APIC representatives of ATCO Electric, T. Hartman and A. Spachynski.
January 19, 2016
Dr. Xu met with representatives from a Calgary startup company called EPS Diagnostics. This company is interested in U of A research activities related to power disturbance data analytics. The company is also interested in establishing connections with APIC companies.
November 10 and 25, 2015
APIC continuing education course “Understanding Voltage Stability and Power Transfer Capability” was delivered in Edmonton and Calgary respectively to about 200 employees of APIC companies. The course instructor is Dr. Wilsun Xu
November 16-17, 2015
Dr. Xu visited Cleaveland/Price Inc., a USA-based power equipment manufacturer. This company implemented one of the APIC research results into a product. Potential collaborations were discussed.
November 6, 2015
APIC board held 37th board meeting through a conference call. This meeting mainly discussed the upcoming APIC Forum.
November 3, 2015
Dr. A. Nassif of ATCO Electric visited U of A to discuss a potential new APIC project on how to mitigate over-voltages caused by distributed generators.
October 28, 2015
Four U of A researchers tested a new current sensor in the field. Two distribution lines were monitored. This effort was facilitated by FortisAlberta.
October 28, 2015
Dr. Xu and two of his colleagues held a conference call with GE Energy to develop specific research collaboration plans. Three action items related to two project ideas have been identified.
October 21, 2015
Dr. Xu met with a GE Energy representative to discuss potential research collaboration with U of A and with APIC companies.
October 16, 2015
Dr. Xu made a presentation to Epcor management on using PQ data for cable condition monitoring and one the estimation of line parameters using SCADA data. Epcor agreed to support field measurements on its cables.
October 7, 2015
Four U of A researchers tested a new current sensor in the field. Two transmission lines were monitored. This effort is facilitated by Altalink.
Sept 24, 2015
U of A and APIC companies hosted a pizza lunch event for undergraduate students in the ECE department. The objective is to promote power industry to undergraduate students and to facilitate the recruiting of EIT and co-op students by APIC companies. Five APIC companies participated in the event. About 200 undergraduate and graduate students attended.
Sept 16, 2015
A workshop on distribution line and pipeline inductive coordination was held in Red Deer. Forty three (43) by-invitation-only people attended the workshop. About half of the attendees are from the pipeline industry. Click here to find more information.
Sept 10, 2015
The 36th APIC Board Meeting was held in Red Deer ATCO Gas Office. Dr. Xu reported recent activities. Mr. Daniel Wong of Altalink was elected as the new chair of the APIC board. Click here for more information.
Sept 9, 2015
Dr. Xu attended a meeting organized by ATCO electric on the development of a CSA standard for distribution line pipeline coordination. The scope of the standard was discussed.
Sept 1, 2015
U of A researchers conducted harmonic measurements on additional high power LEDs at U of A lab. Emission of both low and high frequency harmonics was measured.
July 13, 2015
Speakers of the pipeline coordination workshop held a conference call to plan for the workshop. Two speakers are from APIC and two are from the pipeline industry.
June 23, 2015
Supported by ATCO Electric, three U of A researchers tested a new zero sequence current sensor in the field. Four distribution lines were monitored.
June 11, 2015
ATCO engineers and Dr. Xu had a meeting to discuss a workshop on pipeline coordination and the development of a CSA standard based on APIC research work.
June 9, 2015
Dr. Xu hosted visitors from Hongkong PolyU. The visitors made a presentation to Dr. Xu’s group and discussed potential visiting research opportunities.
June 3, 2015
Two U of A researchers started field measurements in Enmax system using gapless PQ monitors. The objective is to collected data to check the health condition of cables. The monitoring lasted to July 23rd. During this period, one transmission and one distribution cable were monitored. Subsequently, U of A researchers analyzed the data and an APIC report was proposed to Enmax in September.
May 27, 2015
The 35th APIC Board Meeting was held in the form of conference call. Upcoming activities were discussed which include a workshop with pipeline industry.
May 21, 2015
Dr. Xu gave a presentation with a Webinar hosted by CEATI. The audience was utility engineering in North America. The presentation is “Open-loop synchronization of islanded systems”. The scheme was developed based on an APIC project.
May 14, 2015
APIC course, “Understanding Insulation Coordination – Sharing Industry Experiences”, was given in Edmonton. Three instructors from AESO, Altalink and ATCO, shared their experiences with about 70 attendees.
May 12, 2015
APIC course, “Understanding Insulation Coordination – Sharing Industry Experiences”, was given in Calgary. Three instructors from AESO, Altalink and ATCO, shared their experiences with about 100 attendees.
May 8, 2015
Dr. Xu visited Enmax in Calgary and discussed the project of “Use Power Quality Measurement Data to analyze distribution feeder insulation condition”. A measurement project was set up.
May 8, 2015
Invited by CEATI’s grounding interest group, Dr. Xu presented APIC research work on equal potential bonding mat to the group in Calgary.
May 5, 2015
Energy and pipeline company Cenovus hosted a conference call with Dr. Xu and ATCO collaborators on APIC Distribution Power Line to Pipeline Interference Research work. Potential collaboration with pipeline industry was discussed.
April 22, 2015
Dr. Xu met with ATCO engineer A. Nassif to discuss field measurement project to test synchronized harmonic measurements of two locations.
April 21, 2015
An Enbridge engineer gave a presentation to U of A researchers on pipeline corrosion monitoring.
April 7, 2015
Dr. Xu met with FortisAlberta engineer S. Long. The subject of incipient fault detection of overhead distribution line was discussed.
March 30, 2015
Enmax hosted a conference call with Dr. Xu to discuss potential project on cable incipient fault detection.
March 27, 2015
Dr. Xu met with Altalink engineer Carl Wang to discuss the potential uses of phasor data collected by PMUs.
March 12 and April 22, 2015
U of A researchers conducted measurements on high power LED lights and high frequency responses of distribution transformers in ATCO facility with the support of ATCO engineers.
March 3, 2015
Dr. Xu held a 2nd conference call with three instructors of the upcoming APIC course on insulation coordination, Part II.
March 2, 2015
Dr. Xu was invited to attend the technical excellence conference of AESO. This is a conference organized by AESO for technical exchange of its employees.
Feb 24, 2015
German power engineering researchers visited U of A. Dr. Xu and one APIC board member met with the visitors.
Feb 10, 2015
With the introduction of FortisAlberta, U of A researchers established contact with representative of Canadian industry. The sharing of APIC work with the pipeline industry was discussed.
Feb 4, 2015
The 34th APIC Board Meeting was held in Red Deer ATCO Gas Office. Dr. Xu reported activities of year 2014. New activities for year 2015 was discussed.
Jan 27, 2015
Dr. Xu held a conference call with three instructors of the upcoming APIC course on insulation coordination, Part II.
Dec. 18, 2014
The U of A team had a project meeting with APIC collaborators from ATCO, Epcor, Enmax, and FortisAlberta. They discussed interim project report on the induction of distribution line on pipeline. Project results are discussed and additional investigation items were identified.
Dec. 11, 2014
U of A researchers conducted harmonic measurements on high power LEDs at U of A lab. Emission of both low and high frequency harmonics was measured.
Nov. 21, 2014
Dr. Xu met with Professor Weixing Chen of Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U of A. The issue of pipeline corrosion due to induced high frequency voltage was discussed. A collaborative project to conduct corrosion measurements was set up.
Nov. 14, 2014
As a follow up to the APIC Forum, Dr. Xu met with Alex Nassif, Senior Engineer of ATCO and Carlo Rector, Manager of Epcor respectively to discuss new APIC projects. Epcor has agreed for U of A researchers to conduct continuous monitoring on one of its 25kV cables for incipient fault detection and power quality monitoring.
Nov. 7, 2014
The 2014 APIC Forum was held successfully with about 170 attendees. Two guests from EPRI-US attended the meeting and one of them, Mark Macgralangan, VP of Power Delivery, gave a presentation.
Nov. 4, 2014
The 24th APIC board meeting was held at U of A. In the evening, U of A and APIC board hosted an dinner event for speakers of APIC Forum. About 20 people attended the dinner.
Oct. 15, 2014
Dr. Xu met with APIC chair Mr. B. Gorrie to discuss the preparation fo the upcoming APIC Forum.
Sept 25, 2014
U of A and APIC companies hosted a pizza lunch event for undergraduate students in the ECE department. The objective is to promote power industry to undergraduate students and to facilitate the recruiting of EIT and co-op students by APIC companies. All six APIC companies participated in the event. About 200 undergraduate and graduate students attended.
Sept 22-24, 2014
Graduate students, Dr. Xu and some APIC engineers attended the CIGRE Canada conference in Toronto. Some of the APIC research results were presented at the conference in collaboration with industry partners.
Sept 16, 2014
Dr. Xu met with Kirk Rockwell, General Manager, Basic Research of AITF. Kirk is now managing the iCORE research chair program.
Sept 9 and Sept 12, 2014
Dr. Xu hosted a conference call with presenters of the upcoming APIC forum. The purpose is to provide information to the presenters.
August 14, 2014
Dr. Xu provided comments to a CSA terminology change per the request of ATCO electric. The change is related to multi-grounded neutral of distribution systems.
August 7, 2014
APIC board had its 23rd board meeting through a conference call.
July 28-31, 2014
Dr. Xu and a few graduate students attended the IEEE PES general meeting in Washington DC.
July 23, 2014
Two graduate students set up a two week field measurement at ATCO facility in Grand Prairie, AB with the help of ATCO staff. The purpose is to collect data for PQ data analytics, harmonic propagation, grounding and portable PMU research.
June 11, 2014
Two graduate students participated in a field measurement at Fortis Alberta facility in Buck Lake, AB., to collect data for VFD inter-harmonic research.
June 10, 2014
Mr. Gordon Hoops of Candura Instrument Inc. visited U of A 2nd time. Dr. Xu discussed collaborative projects with Mr. Hoops. One project is to develop applications for a portable PMU. Mr. Hoops discussed with graduate students on the implementation of portable PMU.
June 4, 2014
APIC Board held its 22nd board meeting in Red Deer FortisAlberta Office.
May 14 & 15, 2014
APIC continuing education course “Understanding Insulation Coordination” was held in Calgary and Edmonton respectively. About 220 people attended the course. The course instructor is Dr. Dave Peelo, a specialist in switching surges and insulation with 30+ years of industry experiences.
May 9, 2014
A project initiation meeting was held in U of A with engineers from Enmax, Epcor, FortisAlbert and ATCO on the project of pipeline-distribution line inductive coordination. Three U of A researchers attended the meeting.
March 3, 2014
Dr. Xu attended the Technical exchange conference of AESO. He was invited to give a presentation on the APIC activities. The majority of attendees are AESO technical staffs and management.
Feb. 20, 2014
Dr. Xu and U of A researchers attend a meeting with the Transmission Data Committee of Alberta transmission facility owners. Dr. Xu presented “Methods for line Parameter measurement” research progress.
Feb. 2-6, 2014
Dr. Xu joined a team of U of A researchers and visited a university in Germany. The objective was to discuss research collaboration.
Nov. 18, 2013
Dr. Xu met with engineers from Hydro One, Ontario Power Generation and Kinectrics to discuss research collaboration on portable grounding grid.
Nov. 15, 2013
U of A provided feedback to the Transmission Data Committee of APIC companies on the modeling of transformer phase shifting effect in PSS/E load flow studies
Nov. 13, 2013
Dr. Xu met with Dr. John Kendall, VP of ICORE program of ATIF and reported the progress of the IRC program and APIC activities
Nov. 5-6, 2013
The 6th Annual APIC Power & Energy Innovation Forum was held in U of A on Nov. 6 with great success. About 170 people attended the Forum. Click here to find Altalink article. Prior to the meeting (Nov. 5), APIC Board held a meeting and Dr. Xu hosted the Forum speakers for dinner at the U of A faculty club.
Nov. 5, 2013
A project meeting was held at U of A with Daniel Wong and Michael Tong of Altalink to discuss the idea of fault resistance estimation using single end data.
Oct 16, 2013
Dr. Xu met with Barrie Gorrie, ATCO’s APIC Board member to update him recent APIC activities
Oct 9, 2013
Dr. Xu met with ATCO engineers in the area of distribution automation, shared the results of trip grounding research and discussed an idea of using DA to address trip grounding challenges. The meeting also discussed a potential project of developing a guide for inductive coordination between distribution lines and pipelines.
Sept 19, 2013
APIC hosted a pizza lunch event for U of A ECE undergraduate students. The purpose is to introduce job opportunities of APIC companies to the students. About 150 students and other people attended the event. After the meeting, APIC board members had a short meeting to discuss the upcoming APIC Forum and other remaining tasks
Sept 12, 2013
U of A researchers attend a meeting with ATCO engineers. Dr. Xu presented the findings of the temporary grounding project to ATCO engineers.
Sept 9-11, 2013
Some U of A researchers attended the CIGRE Canada conference in Calgary and presented their research results
July 20 – 25, 2013
Several U of A researchers attended the IEEE PEG General Meeting in Vancouver and presented their research results.
June 23 – July 11, 2013
Dr. Xu visited two universities in Brazil and attended a Brazil power quality conference. He made a keynote speech on “power disturbance analytics” and shared some of the APIC research topics with the attendees.
June 20, 2013
Prof. Kankar Bhattacharya of Univ. of Waterloo presented his research activities to the U of A researchers.
June 14, 2013
An APIC Board meeting was held in Red Deer. Its main goal was to finalize the program of the upcoming APIC Forum. Other activities were also discussed
May 28 and May 30, 2013
The APIC course “power system grounding – industry experiences” was given in Calgary and Edmonton respectively. Three speakers from APIC companies shared their experiences and U of A shared its research results on grounding. About 150 people in total attended the course.
May 22, 2013
An APIC Board meeting was held through conference call. The meeting discussed the upcoming APIC Forum and how to disseminate the findings of the bonding mat project
March 27, 2013
An APIC board meeting was held in Red Deer. During the meeting, Dr. Xu reported the activities and achievements of APIC in 2012 and the board discussed activities for 2013
March 24, 2013
Dr. Xu met with Mr. Nerkez Lalic of Epcor on preparing the upcoming APIC course on power system grounding. Mr. Lalic is one of the instructors of the grounding course. A conference call with other industry speakers was held subsequently to finalize the course details.
March 24, 2013
Dr. Xu discussed with ATCO power quality group on a project to field testing a zero-sequence harmonic filter. The project was established
March 23, 2013
U of A researchers met with ATCO safety engineers to discuss the progress of the temporary grounding rod project. ATCO engineers also shared some other works (such as GPR transfer to feeder) for U of A comments.
March 7-8, 2013
Dr. Xu visited the ABB corporate research center in USA to share some research findings and to discuss potential collaborations.
March 1, 2013
The 2nd term of the research chair program and its APIC platform is renewed as of March 1, 2013. It will go for another five years. The second term is supported by NSERC, ATIF and 6 APIC companies
Feb 4, 2013
Dr. Xu presented the findings of the bonding mat project to the project collaborators from 5 APIC companies
Jan 23, 2013
Dr. Xu met with Dr. John Kendall, VP of ICORE program of ATIF and reported the progress of the IRC program
Nov 30, 2012
Dr. Xu met with Mr. Chris Oakley, Principal of Midgard Consulting Inc. to discuss a potential collaborative project related to non-traditional schemes to transmit power to the remote areas in Northern Canada.
November 26-30, 2012
Three graduate students and Dr. Xu participated in a field measurement project to collect data on the EMF emission characteristics of various smart meters.
November 16, 2012
Dr. Xu held a conference call with FortisAlberta to discuss the plan for field measurement of EMF emission from smart meters.
November 8, 2012
The 5th APIC Power and Energy Innovation Forum was held at U of A. The theme of this year’s Forum is asset management. About 160 people attend the Forum. Click here to find more information. AltaLink article here.
November 7, 2012
APIC Board held its 23rd board meeting at U of A. In the evening, U of A and the Board hosted speakers of the APIC Forum in a dinner event.
November 1, 2012
Dr. Xu held a conference call with Altalink and ATCO engineers on the latest findings of the grounding mat project.
November 1, 2012
Dr. Xu met with ATCO DA & PQ engineers to discuss the field demonstration of a novel zero sequence harmonic filter developed at U of A and for increased collaboration in the areas of power quality and smart distribution grid.
October 3, 2012
Mr. Richard Bahry, Chair of APIC Board for 2011/2012 and Dr. Xu attended a U of A organized event in Ottawa. The event is to celebrate U of A industrial research chair programs with policy makers in the federal government.
Sept 27, 2012
Dr. Xu was invited to present the emerging area of Power Disturbance Analytics to CEATI Power Quality Interest Group in Calgary. The group has about 20 plus utility companies as its members.
Sept 23-26, 2012
Four graduate students and Dr. Xu attended CIGRE Canada conference in Montreal. Results of some APIC and MG-Net projects were presented in the conference. The team also attended MG-Net meeting.
Sept 20, 2012
APIC Board held a conference call to discuss the upcoming Innovation Forum and project management issues.
Sept 17, 2012
Collaborators of the grounding mat project met at Red Deer to discuss project findings. Dr. Xu presented project results. About 8 people from APIC companies attended the meeting.
Sept 12, 2012
With the help of U of A, Enmax Power Corporation held a lunch event for ECE undergraduate students. The purpose is to recruit EITs for the company.
August 30, 2012
Dr. Xu held a conference call with FortisAlberta to discuss a potential APIC project of quantifying the EMF emission from smart meters.
August 26-28, 2012
Dr. Xu and two graduate students attended the AITF/iCORE summit in Banff.
August 20-27, 2012
Two graduate students (Hesam and Kia) conducted field measurements at three Enmax substations. The project is to determine harmonic levels at Alberta transmission systems.
July 19, 2012
Dr. Xu presented to Epcor senior management research results on a new harmonic filter technique. The filter is conceived to mitigate telephone interference problem.
July 11, 2012
The APIC board held its 21st meeting in a FortisAlberta facility in Red Deer.
July 6, 2012
The proposal package to renew the NSERC Chair program and the APIC platform for the 2nd term (March 1, 2013 to Feb 29, 2018) was submitted to NSERC and Alberta Innovates.
June 1-30, 2012
One U of A researcher conducted measurement on a residential complex to collect data on the energy use and harmonic characteristics of the complex. The data are used for testing a harmonic source detection algorithm.
June 2-30, 2012
Three U of A researchers conducted field measurements in FortisAlberta system to study the impact of filters on AMR signals.
May 15 & 17, 2012
A continuing education course, “understanding power system grounding”, is offered to APIC companies twice. One in Edmonton and one in Calgary. About 170 people attended the courses. The course instructor is Dr. Wilsun Xu (Click here for an Altalink news article on this event).
May 15, 2012
Two APIC researchers (Iraj and Hugo) joined ATCO Electric to work in the area of advanced power system studies in ATCO’s power system planning and operation department.
April 24, 2012
Three graduate students visited a retirement complex developed by CDL and its electrical system. The purpose is to investigate the energy monitoring strategies for residential complexes.
April 3, 2012
Two U of A researchers visited ATCO to discuss ATCO’s record of grounding resistance tests over the past 10 years. The tests were done at various locations in ATCO’s service area.
March 30, 2012
Four U of A researchers visited the field training center of ATCO to learn the various grounding configurations and grounding devices used in Canadian power distribution systems.
March 16, 2012
The APIC board held its 20th meeting at FortisAlberta training center in Red Deer.
March 8, 2012
With the arrangement of DX3 Technologies, Dr. Xu and DX3 personnel had a meeting with Epcor to discuss a demonstration project of U of A developed anti-islanding technology.
Feb 3, 2012
U of A researchers meet with collaborators from Epcor and ATCO to discuss the project of equal-potential bonding.
Dec 7-8, 2011
Dr. Xu was invited to present at the IEEE P1836/1837 Working Group in Washington DC. This group is to establish harmonic limits on individual home appliances.
Nov 18, 2011
Dr. Xu met with Mike, a manager in U of A’s facility management group to discuss a collaborative research on energy consumption monitoring for student residences.
Nov 15, 2011
Dr. Xu met with ATCO collaborators to initiate a new project on the subjects of trip grounding and equal potential grounding.
Nov 3, 2011
The 4th APIC Power & Energy Innovation Forum was held at the U of A. More than 160 people attended the Forum. Additional information can be found from the APIC website APIC 2011.
(Click here for an Altalink news article on this event).
Nov 2, 2011
Dr. Xu invited the speakers of upcoming APIC Forum for a dinner at the U of A faculty club. About 15 speakers and APIC board members attended this socializing event.
Nov 2, 2011
APIC board held its 19th meeting at the U of A.
Oct 23-26, 2011
Dr. Xu attended the SmartGrid Canada conference in Toronto and presented research activities related to the NSERC Smart Microgrid Network and APIC.
Sept 21, 2011
Dr. Xu meet with Christensen Development, a property developer, to discuss a potential demonstration project on a U of A developed home energy monitoring concept. A joint project proposal was submitted to NR Canada.
Sept 20, 2011
U of A presented their research results on the impact of distributed harmonic sources and mitigation solutions. Eight industry collaborators from ATCO, Epcor, FortisAlberta, Enmax and Telus attended the meeting.
Sept 9, 2011
APIC Board held a conference call meeting to discuss the planning of upcoming APIC P&E Innovation Forum.
Sept 1, 2011
One of U of A researchers trained under the APIC program started to work in FortisAlberta in the area of AMR signaling and power quality. In the past 3 years, several U of A researchers trained under the APIC program also joined the APIC companies.
August 28-30, 2011
About 10 U of A researchers attended the AITF Summit in Banff. More information can be find from the AITF (Alberta Innovates – Technology Future) website.
August 17-25, 2011
U of A researchers conducted harmonic measurements in transmission substations of Enmax in Calgary. The objective is to monitor PQ condition of the Calgary area in anticipation of the construction of two HVDC lines in Alberta. These measurements will be repeated until HVDC energization.
August 5, 2011
With the help of APIC and APIC board member Mr. Fred Ritter, Two U of A faculty members (Drs. Yasser Mohamed and Yunwei Li) presented their HVDC research interests to the HVDC Working Group of Alberta utilities. Potential collaborations between the faculty members and the HVDC group was discussed. Follow up activities were planned.
June 17, 2011
APIC board held its 17th meeting in Altalink’s office in Calgary. Enmax, a utility company serving Calgary area, joined APIC as a new member. The representative of Enmax on the APIC Board is Mr. Shamir S. Ladhani, Director, Transmission Engineering Services. As a result, APIC now includes all major utility companies in Alberta.
Mr. Suresh Sharma, Representative of Epcor on the APIC board, was appointed as the new APIC Board Chair for 2011/2012. The contribution of Mr. Daniel Wong, the outgoing APIC Chair, was fully acknowledged.
Utilizing this opportunity, the Board received a delegation from the SSEE (Shanghai Society of Electrical Engineers). APIC and SSEE signed MOU for exchange and cooperation (click here for more information). After the event, the delegates and APIC board members visited Altalink’s system control center.
June 14 & 15, 2011
Dr. Mukesh Nagal, Manager of BC Hydro’s Protection Planning Department, gave a course in Calgary and Edmonton respectively on the subject of power system protection, Part II. About 90 APIC employees attended the course.
June 7, 2011
U of A researchers met with FortisAlberta engineers to present final project findings and solutions on mitigating harmonic-AMI interference problem.
April 21, 2011
Dr. Xu met with management from the Calgary branch of Teshmont, a HVDC consulting company, to discuss collaborative opportunities through APIC.
April 13, 2011
U of A researchers met with FortisAlberta engineers to discuss field measurement results and findings on an harmonic-AMI interference problem.
March 22, 2011
Mr. Daniel Wong, Principal Engineer, Protection of Altalink gave a 1.5 hour lecture to U of A undergraduate students on practical aspects of power system protection. Some of the slides can be downloaded here.
March 21, 2011
Dr. Xu had a lunch meeting with three officers of Alberta Government (Ministry of Advanced Education and Technology). How APIC can play a role to support local and international collaborative research/commercialization efforts in the energy conservation/efficiency area was discussed.
March 18, 2011
Dr. Xu has a meeting with Mr. Wayne Karpoff, CEO of Willowglen Systems Inc. Willowglen is interested in participating in some of the APIC activities.
March 11, 2011
The 16th meeting of APIC Board was held in Fortis Alberta’s Professional Development Center in Red Deer. Using the opportunity, the Board members also visited the distribution system training facility of FortisAlberta.
March 3, 2011
A several U of A researchers had a meeting with Epcor engineer Carlo on voltage induction issues of concern to industry. Carlo is involved and responsible for some of Epcor’s safe work practice.
February 22, 2011
A several U of A researchers had a meeting with Epcor engineer Carlo on voltage induction issues of concern to industry. Carlo is involved and responsible for some of Epcor’s safe work practice.
February 22, 2011
Five U of A researchers attended a training session organized in an Epcor training center on field measurements. These researchers are preparing for several complex harmonic measurements in the Edmonton area.
February 16, 2011
Two U of A researchers conducted field measurements in a FortisAlberta feeder to measure harmonics and interharmonics. Two FortisAB engineers helped the measurement.
February 9, 2011
U of A researchers held a 2nd meeting with the U of A facility management to discuss collaboration on energy monitoring for campus buildings. Three areas where the APIC research results could be applied have been identified.
February 7, 2011
U of A researchers have successfully applied their harmonic source detection method to determine the main harmonic sources in a U of A building. This source has caused overheating of the building transformer. A report was submitted to U of A facility management.
February 4, 2011
Dr. Xu met with an Epcor staff responsible for some of the company’s grounding safety practice. Some of the U of A’s research findings on the subject area were discussed and clarified.
February 3, 2011
U of A researchers held a meeting with 8 industry collaborators from ATCO, Fortis, Epcor and Telus to present the findings on the impact of distributed harmonic sources. The results showed that the zero sequence harmonics caused by residential home appliances have become a significant PQ issue for utility and telephone companies. Additional field measurements are planned to investigate the problem further.
December 9, 2010
Dr. Xu met with Mr. Andy Reynolds, Program Leader for Clean Energy of AITF (Alberta Innovates – Technology Future), to discuss the concept of Power Integration Centre of Excellence (PICoE) proposed and promoted by Mr. Reynolds’s team. Both agreed to continue collaborating on this initiative.
December 9, 2010
As an appreciation to the support of APIC project collaborators, Dr. Xu hosted a lunch for project collaborators in the Edmonton area. About 6 people enjoyed the informal gathering and exchange opportunity.
December 6, 2010
U of A researchers held a video conference meeting with a E.ON research/test center in UK. E.ON is a German utility company. The center is interested in the harmonic source detection technologies developed at U of A.
December 3, 2010
A technical meeting was held with three Epcor engineers to discuss the latest telephone interference problem encountered by Epcor. A task will be initiated to investigate the problem by utilizing the harmonic source detection and harmonic assessment techniques developed by U of A.
November 19, 2010
U of A researchers presented their research findings to the U of A facility management. These findings could be useful to help monitoring the energy consumptions of commercial buildings and student residences. Potential collaboration was discussed.
November 17, 2010
A technical meeting was held with three FortisAlberta engineers to discuss its AMR signal transmission problem caused by harmonic filters. U of A team presented a solution based on study results. A field measurement will be conducted to verify the idea.
November 4, 2010
The 3rd APIC Power & Energy Innovation Forum was held in U of A successfully. Approximately 140 people attended the Forum. About 90 comes from Alberta power industry.(Altalink Newswire)
November 3, 2010
The U of A hosted a dinner for the speakers and panelists of the 3rd APIC Power & Energy Innovation Forum.
November 3, 2010
The 15th APIC Board meeting was held in U of A. A delegation from Shanghai Socieity of Electrical Engineering (SSEE), China, met with the Board members and discussed potential cooperation between SSEE and APIC.
October 18-19, 2010
Dr. Wilsun Xu attended the CIGRE Canada conference in Vancouver. APIC project on online measurement of load parameters were presented at the conference.
September 20, 2010
Dr. Soie Mak, inventor of TWACS technology and consultant for various smart grid organizations such as NIST and Cisco, visited PDS Lab and made a presentation. Dr. Mak shared his visions on smart distribution systems and offered good research ideas. The document prepared by Dr. Mak can be downloaded from PDS lab website.
August 20-22, 2010
Several U of A researchers and Dr. Xu attend the Banff Summit organized by Alberta Innovates, Technology Futures. A poster presentation was made.
August 19, 2010
Dr. Xu presented load modeling research results to Alberta’s Transmission Data Committee. Contacts were established for further load tests and modeling activities.
August 16, 2010
Dr. Xu and researcher Afredo Wang met with ATCO engineers & project monitors (Case, Dave and Kai) to discuss research results on the harmonic impact, especially the telephone interference impact, of distributed harmonic sources from residential loads.
August 13, 2010
The 14th APIC board meeting was held through conference call. Program for the 3rd Power & Energy Innovation Forum was finalized.
July 23-28, 2010
2 PDSRL researchers (Carl and Ali) and Dr. Xu attend the IEEE PES General Meeting in USA.
July 13, 2010
The 13th APIC board meeting was held through video conference in Edmonton and Calgary. Mr. Daniel Wong of Altalink was appointed the Chair of APIC Board for the 2010/2011 term. (Altalink news clip)
June 16, 2010
Dr. Xu met with electrical safety officers of Epcor (Ray Cislo and Graig Hrynchuk) to explain PDS Lab grounding research results and their implications to utility truck grounding practice.
May 26 & 27, 2010
Dr. Mukesh Nagal, Manager of BC Hydro’s Protection Planning Department, gave a course in Calgary and Edmonton respectively on the subject of power system protection. About 90 APIC employees attended the course.
(Altalink news clip on the Calgary Protection Course)
March 11, 2010
The 12th APIC board meeting was held in the AltaLink office of Calgary.
November 5, 2009
The 2nd APIC Power & Energy Innovation Forum was held in the University of Alberta.
Oct. 26 – Nov. 4, 2009
With the help of ATCO staff, field measurements were taken in the Grand Prairie area. The research subject is the modeling and analysis of the impact of distributed harmonic sources.
October 9, 2009
The 11th APIC board meeting was held through conference call.
Sept 22, 2009
Dr. Xu presented research results on truck grounding safety issues to the Alberta Electric Safety Committee.
Sept 16, 2009
Dr. Xu met with electrical safety officers of Epcor (Dave Hill) to explain PDS Lab grounding research results and their implications to utility truck grounding practice.
Sept. 9, 2009
The 10th APIC board meeting was held at U of A.
August 25-27, 2009
U of A researchers attended the iCORE summit in Banff. This summit was organized by iCORE.
June-July, 2009
With the help of Epcor staff, field measurements were taken in the Edmonton area. The research subjects are 1) the modeling and analysis of the impact of distributed harmonic sources and 2) the evaluation of a load parameter measurement technique.
June 5, 2009
The 9th APIC board meeting was held through teleconference.
June 2 & 4, 2009
Dr. Xu gave a course in Calgary and Edmonton respectively on the subject of voltage sags and motor starting. About 90 APIC employees attended the course.
May 12, 2009
A project working meeting was held with APIC project monitors on the subject of power quality and grounding. Industry representatives are from ATCO, Epcor, Altalink and Fortis.
March 12, 2009
The 8th APIC board meeting was held at the AESO office in Calgary.
March 6, 2009
A project review meeting teleconference on grounding was held with APIC companies and other parties. Industry representatives are from ATCO, Epcor, Altalink, Fortis, Enmax and AB government.
March 5, 2009
An Altalink news clip on 2008 APIC Innovation Forum, click here.