Forum 2020

Energy Systems in Transition

The 2020 APIC Forum officially kicked-off the new APIC- NSERC Alliance grant project titled ‘Towards Future Interconnected Electric System.’ This project involving the University of Alberta, University of Calgary, AESO, AltaLink, ATCO Electric, Enmax, Epcor, and FortisAlberta focuses on the following four research themes:

  • Theme 1: System Modeling and Artificial Intelligence for Power Systems
  • Theme 2: Advanced Power Electronics for the Smart Grid
  • Theme 3: Grid Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy
  • Theme 4: Safety and Security for the Smart Grid

Access Forum materials (presentations and videos) using this link.

Forum Agenda and Activities:

TimeActivities and Speakers
9:00 – 9:05Opening Remarks
Gurb Hari, APIC Board Chair
9:05 – 9:30APIC-Alliance Project Introduction
Petr Musilek, Professor and Program Lead Investigator, University of Alberta
9:30 – 10:00Industry Keynote 1: Transportation Electrification
William York, ATCO
10:00 – 10:30Industry Keynote 2: Digital Twin
Sharan Bajwa and Truman Seto, ENMAX
10:45 – 11:15Industry Keynote 3: Enhancing Outage Response with AMI
Chris Chapelsky, EPCOR
11:15 – 12:15Co-Investigator Pitches Part 1
Theme 1 researchers: Petr Musilek, Hamid Zareipour, Tim Weis, Lori Thorlakson
Theme 2 researchers: Greg Kish, Qing Zhao, John Salmon, S. Ali Khajehoddin
13:00 – 14:00Co-Investigator Pitches Part 2
Theme 3 researchers: Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Andy Knight, Wilsun Xu, Omid Ardakanian
Theme 4 researchers: Hao Liang, Lianne Lefsrud, Yindi Jing, Marek Reformat
14:00 – 14:30Interactive Networking Session
Attendees broken into theme-based breakout rooms to brainstorm potential future projects
14:30 – 14:40Closing Remarks
Gurb Hari, APIC Board Chair

The Forum 2020 was held virtually on November 13, 2020 and attended by over 130 participants from industry and academia.
