DLR Workshop

DLR Workshop

November 7, 2023

08:30 – 12:35

Click here to access workshop recording.

Click here to access presentation.

Tentative Schedule

08:30-08:35Opening Remarks 
08:40-08:50How We Got Here (FERC 881, Technology Maturity)
08:50-09:05What is DLR, Types of Ratings (Static, AAR, DLR, etc)
09:05-09:20Physics of conductor ratings and industry standards
09:35-09:50Brief History of DLR Devices (Tension, laser, induction, etc)
09:50-10:05Current Technologies (Weather & sensor)
10:05-10:20What’s changed for DLR
10:35-10:50AESO considerations in selecting DLR Methodology
10:50-11:05Sensitivity Analysis Results
11:05-11:20Use Cases for DLR Application
11:20-11:35DLR Operational Integration
11:35-11:50High Level Economic Evaluation
11:50-12:10ATCO – DLR History and Path Forward
12:10-12:30Next Steps
12:30-12:35Closing remarks